What Do You Know About Post and Beam Construction?

Homes are not the only part of your property that grows old. Did you know that the ground under your home does too? The earth moves and shifts all the time, and with each of these movements, your home settles or moves just a little bit. The land can rise as if the earth is taking a breath, or it can sink as if the earth is dissolving. Sometimes one section of your home will suddenly settle down between a fraction of an inch and an inch or two. This earthly compression is especially frequent after a flood, earthquake, or other natural disaster. If your house ever has movement problems, here are how post and beam repairs can save your home.


Most large posts and beams are supporting your roof, and it is critical if your home finds itself off-kilter to repair the issue as soon as possible. The shifting weight of your home can crack a large support beam or damage the structural integrity of the area by causing a gap between the beam and area it bolsters. When your home’s load compromises one of the posts or beams, find a repair team as soon as possible.


As is often the case in old age, your home’s beams can begin to sag, develop hairline cracks, or pop a structural peg. These are all signs that the construction is in need of help, and a post and beam construction company should be contacted immediately.

Over time, insects can infest large beams, dry rot can invisibly affect the timber, or the home’s shifting may twist the log until it cracks. Once any of these occur, the beam needs to be replaced. If you have an amazingly beautiful rustic home, don’t ignore problems with your posts or beams. It is less expensive to deal with a beam or post than it is to have the structure collapse.