Maintenance Practices Carried Out on Timber Frame Homes

If you have a timber frame home, it can help to understand the general maintenance that needs to be done to keep your home in good condition. You’ll find that by staying on top of timber frame maintenance you will be able to keep your home in good condition. Over time proper maintenance can save you money on costly repairs or other issues that may come up.



Because your home is made of wood, it needs some type of treatment to help keep away pests and prevent issues, like rotting. Painting your home can help with this. In addition, keeping your home painted will help it to look better. Peeling paint is a sign of age and wear, so making sure you paint on a regular timber frame maintenance schedule can help to avoid this. Always use paint that is made for this type of use in order to get the best results and protection.


Replacing Broken or Damaged Wood

Because wood is susceptible to issues like rotting or breaking, you may need to check for damage often. If you see any damage, it needs to be fixed right away. Letting a problem go will affect the structural integrity of your whole house. It is usually a good idea to hire a professional to make any repairs. This is because it can be difficult to repair or replace the wood without causing other damage. A professional can ensure the rest of your home is kept in good shape while making the repair and that the repair is done correctly.


Timber frame maintenance can be rather easy because it is all about just keeping to a regular schedule and making regular checks of the structure. By staying on top of your maintenance activities, you are better able to catch issues when they first come up, which can help to prevent more severe issues in the long run.